Casino Mining Corp. Supports Student Achievement in Three Communities

June 24, 2014

Casino Mining Corp. Supports Student Achievement in Three Communities

Whitehorse, Yukon – Casino Mining Corp. (“Casino”) is pleased to announce its support of three elementary school and three high school students in Carmacks, Pelly Crossing and Dawson City.

Casino’s newly established annual award acknowledges elementary and high school student achievement. Selected by the students’ teachers and administrators, the students were awarded scholarships in recognition of their high academic standing, positive attitude, significant effort and leadership amongst their peers.

“Our entire Casino team extends its sincere congratulations to this year’s student achievement award recipients,” said Casino President Paul West-Sells. “Our company strongly believes in the potential of the Yukon’s children and youth and in supporting their success in school and in life.”

The 2014 Casino Student Achievement Award recipients were given their awards by Casino representative Claudia Riveros at the respective school graduation ceremonies in late May and early June. They are:

Grade 5 student Nansen Tricker and Grade 12 student Tristan Unterschute from Tantalus School in Carmacks; Grade 6 student Emma Tom Tom and Grade 12 student Jelene Panaligan from Robert Service School in Dawson City; and, Grade 7 student Kylie Williams and Grade 11 student Brandon Brown from Eliza Van Bibber School in Pelly Crossing.

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Amanda Leslie

About Casino Mining Corporation
Casino Mining Corporation, a wholly-owned subsidiary of Western Copper and Gold Corporation, is focused on advancing its world-class copper and gold project in the Yukon, through the environmental and socio-economic effects assessment, permitting and licensing process to production, while operating in an environmentally responsible manner. Casino Mining Corporation takes a careful, considered and balanced approach that employs responsible mining practices and provides socio-economic benefits and opportunities for all Yukon residents.