Environment - Heritage
Since 2008, Casino has conducted a range of socio-economic, land use, archaeology and heritage studies to understand how the proposed Casino Project may affect Yukoners and their communities.
The Casino project team has conducted field studies to investigate potential heritage and archaeological sites, which are providing important information about the history of Yukon’s people. For example, in 2013, it was revealed that Casino’s project area is the site of a highly significant archaeological discovery, referred to as KfV1-3.
This archaeological site comprises an assemblage of stone tools and debitage that was recovered from three distinct soil layers, the oldest of which returned radiocarbon dates of 13,000 years before present. The find represents some of the oldest archaeological remains in the Yukon and further supports the theory of early man’s east-to-west migration over the Beringia land bridge.
A Casino Heritage Resources Protection Plan will be in place to protect and manage KfVi-3 and any other archaeological sites discovered during the construction and operation of the proposed Casino mine.